Custom stencil packs have arrived! Our collaboration with Erin Jeanne McDowell is ready to help you elevate your pie dusting abilities. These easy stencils sets will help you create the masterpiece pie you've been dreaming about.
Made of laser cut, food safe mylar you can use them over and over layer them. We are offering two sets exclusively by Erin.
Each stencils fits a 9" pie slightly offset on the sides.
“I ♡ PIE”
“Hap-Pie Holidays”
Allow pie to cool completely before using pie stencil. Fold the
rounded edges of the stencil upward slightly & use these
as handles to center the stencil on your pie. Sift desired
topping evenly over the stencil. Grip two of the handles
and lift straight up for cleanest effect on the pie’s surface.